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L'Un seul ou l'odyssée courte >>> Oneness or a short odyssey

Quantify the Ether and put indivision in the universe

The shapeless signals itself by the way of its many sided movement
with its simultaneous convictions

Reshaping the world as a thinking matter, the meaning’s vibration will be used as energy.

Endlessly diversify the combination of visibles and prononçable, then divide the page in two with two columns one written, the other traced

So, the Universe was born under a too large silence under pseudo and through pseudo predestination
wall°ich come back to us as undulatory
With him the answer cannot act on a position
He weight himself up and spread up too

Hitten by verses at midnight after many assaults, he’s guessing : who’s breathing there ?

He still think and comment
Is there anybody in the language ?
Does it measure itself with its own verticality ?
How does he adjust himself in comparison of the sky ; how does he calculate its own height ?


Multiply the brackets until the word steps out of him,
and carve him to the point of the sensual acception of the fullfilness

According to wall°ich the no man’s word is X Missing
and read there the conterfeit figure effects where the situationists died

Let’s live the explicit in the world of logotypes as conquering scale
she’s detrimental to the sustainable growth of the spirit.
Orpheus is wounded and puts a strain on awakened remains

wall°ich restricts the internity and fiddle with the fore abstractions
Concepts lesson for the brief diarists

The breath profiles methodical proliferations
Open the mouth don’t suppress the principle of distinction
The anteriority suffers no human being and the identity maintains the ways of acceleration
Colour produces a nature and burns the perspective
Watcha, never learn on the notion of notion

Anne de Commines

Translation by Jean-Pierre Simard


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